About Us
Fox Lighting - Brazil
Since 2010, FoxLustres stands out in the decorative lighting market, being considered by our customers as one of the most modern in lighting today. Our product line is currently made up of more than 295 items, highlighting exclusive products, with models one better than the other with its design, quality and durability, a wide variety of styles, we currently work with pendants, ceiling lights, sconces, lampshades and columns.
Our goal is to offer a personalized and differentiated service to our customers, seeking to guide them and bring them to their knowledge the best way to light their home or office, always offering the best quality products, best brands, prompt delivery and good prices, FoxLustres has resellers in almost all Brazilian territory to serve all our customers.
Offering differentiated products and personalized solutions in all segments, modern and cozy environments, with high quality and innovative design, generating value to our representatives and customers, respecting the environment in which it operates.
To be recognized as a company of excellence in the Brazilian and international market, for producing and marketing high quality products, in all its segments and commercial brands, and continuing to expand in Brazil and abroad.